Can I cancel my order?

Once an order is placed on the, it can be canceled within 24 hours (If Packaging is not done). After 24 hours we send all new orders to our warehouse to be packed for shipping as soon as possible.

Can I return my product?

Guru Venture offers a 7-day money-back guarantee only if there is any kind of damage happens while transportation or products comes to you with a different size than ordered from the, you can return it within 7 days of shipment for a full product refund.

What If my product does not fit my unit?

If it happens just send us the pic of the product installed along with the order ID we will do a full refund in 24 hours without asking any questions.

What If The Size Of product is Bigger Or Smaller Than What Is Mentioned In Size?

We will do the free replacement if size measurements will not match with the dimensions mentioned. Please note that there is a 4% error tolerance.

What If I Am Not Satisfied With The Quality?

The products are made with 100% utter quality and dedication, we cannot give you a refund in case you don’t like the quality of product reason.

What If I Didn’t Get My Order In Committed Time Frame?

We commit to deliver all orders in 7 business days and offer a partial refund policy in case of production delay. Please note we can’t cancel and refund the order in case of delay happened due to reasons beyond control like govt tax scan holds, natural calamities, and octroi issues.

Notice – there is a possibility of slight variation in design image, refund requests will be not accepted in case of slight variation in colors.

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